Monday, July 30, 2012

The Safe And Effective Way To Build Your Muscles Fast

Growth Hormones or GH is a peptide hormone that stimulates growth, cell reproduction and regeneration in humans and other animals. GH is a 191-amino acid, single-chain polypeptide that is synthesized, stored, and secreted by the somatotroph cells within the lateral wings of the anterior pituitary gland. The term somatropin refers to growth hormone produced by recombinant DNA and is abbreviated to HGH.

Human Growth Hormone is synthesized and secreted from the anterior pituitary gland in a pulsatile manner throughout the day; the usual surges of secretion occur at 3- to 5-hour intervals. The plasma concentration of growth hormones during these peaks may range from 5 to 45 ng/mL. The largest and most predictable of these growth hormone peaks occurs about an hour after onset of sleep.

There are a number of factors that are known to affect HGH secretion such as the age, gender, diet, exercise, stress, and other hormones that are present on an individual. Young adolescents commonly secrete HGH at the rate of about 700 µg per day, while adults secrete HGH at the rate of about 400 µg per day. This just shows that the production of natural HGH in the body decreases with age,

When the body produces too much GH it can cause pituitary tumor and when the produces little GH it can cause GHD or Growth Hormone Deficiency that can result to growth failure. Growth Hormones are highly needed by the body for different vital functions so it good that people with low level of GH or with GHD (Growth Hormone Deficiency) must take GH Supplement or GH Stack.

GH Stack is a growth hormone supplement that can be use to increase the body's energy level which will then allows you to perform well in exercise and other activities. It can help in making the bones stronger and makes the skin more thicker and youthful looking. It will also boost the body's immune system thus making your body stronger in fighting different kinds of diseases. It can also helps in lowering the LDL level or bad cholesterol level in the body that will result in having a greater cardiac output. It can lower the blood pressure and it will also improve the kidney function. It allows your eyes to have sharper vision and helps you to have better memory. It is good in eliminating unwanted fats and it can enhance the body's capability to heal wounds and also the re-growth of the different body organs such as the heart, liver, kidneys, spleen and others that usually shrink with age.

GH Stack is beneficial to body builders since it can increases protein synthesis, increases utilization of fatty acids, increases amino acid transport across cell membranes, increases lipolysis, increases availability of glucose and amino acids, increases collagen synthesis, stimulates cartilage growth, increases retention of nitrogen, sodium, potassium, and phosphorus, increases renal plasma flow, promotes compensatory renal hypertrophy, decreases glucose utilization, decreases glycogen synthesis. GH Stack is highly recommended supplement for body builders since this will ensure them fast and safe muscle building and proper fat loss.

Kenneth Levenstein is an online publisher of health related websites. Click the links for more information on human growth supplements and where to buy growth supplements.

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Three Great Oblique Exercises That Do Not Require Weights

A fact many individuals fail to realize is that you do not need heavy weights or fancy machines to engage the oblique muscles. Actually, you do not need any weight lifting equipment at all, just your body weight and a lot of control while performing the oblique exercises. That being said, the only downside to these exercise methods is that you are limited by your body weight which may be insufficient for certain types of weight lifters.

There are three specific oblique exercises you can execute, the first being the simple "Elbow to Knee Crunch". This is very similar to the regular crunch but for this variation, while lying on the back, position the ankle of one leg on the lower thigh of the other leg. The knee should be wide of your shoulder and this will be the target for the opposite side's elbow. Perform the crunch by rounding the back while bringing the elbow to the opposite knee. The twisting motion that is utilized is what targets the oblique muscles. When one side is complete, reposition the body to engage the other side.

The second of the oblique exercises is the "bicycle kick". Extremely similar to the previously mentioned exercise, this one is different in initial setup but involves the same lifting motion. Once again, start off by lying on the back with the legs fully extended. Bring one knee up toward the chest and at the same time, bring the opposite elbow to that knee. Once this motion is complete, extend the leg out and draw the opposite one near while, at the same time, lowering the first elbow and drawing the other one toward to leg that is now drawing closer to the body. Repeat this motion while alternating sides.

The last of the three oblique exercises is the "standing torso twist". This exercise does require a piece of equipment but nothing specific; a stiff rod-like instrument similar to a broomstick will suffice. While standing straight up, position the rod behind the neck with both hands on the outer areas of the rod. Turn the body while keeping the hips stationary until the torso is almost 90 degrees from the hips. Squeeze the obliques when the maximum amount of rotation is reached. Do this for both sides of the body.

Always keep in mind that speed and power are not the goal with these lifting procedures. Smooth and controlled movements are critical above all else.

These oblique exercises can be confusing without instructional videos. For this, I suggest Chunk Fitness' oblique exercise section:, it is full of additional tips and tricks for scuplting the oblique muscles.

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Three Muscle Building Techniques

The most important topic when it comes to changing the shape of your body is nutrition. You've probably heard cheesy sayings like "A little on the lips, forever on the hips" and "You are what you eat." Well, that's because it's true. No matter how hard you work out, if you're diet is wrong, you're not going to get the results you want. If you ask any professional bodybuilder or fitness model, they're going to tell you the same thing. So the topic I'm going to discuss here is nutrabolism.

Nutrabolism means optimizing nutrition to increase muscle growth without adding fat. You've probably heard a lot of talk about the importance of protein, and it's true that protein is very important. But it's easy to make sure you're getting enough protein. What people don't talk about enough is carbohydrate intake. So keeping that in mind, here are three of the most advanced muscle building techniques.

1. Carbohydrate Capitalization. What this means is that you need to eat your carbohydrates at the right time of day so they're not wasted. Extra carbohydrates turn into fat, but if you eat the majority of them around your workout, you can use the energy the provide immediately and not have them going to waste the rest of the day. In fact, you should probably consume about 70% of your daily carbohydrates pre and post workout. The other 30% of your carbohydrates are best eaten at breakfast.

2. Somatofy Your Nutrition. This means changing your nutrition based on your body type. You've probably heard that there are three basic body types: ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph. There are actually many more body types that fall between these on the spectrum, and nutritionists are only now beginning to understand how these body types react to nutrients and carbohydrates. But for simplicity's sake, we'll focus on the three main body types.

The Ectomorph. People with this body type are long, lanky and skinny. They typically have thin bones and have a very hard time putting muscle. If that sounds like you, you'll need to take advantage of high-glycemic carbohydrates not just during your workout window, but throughout the day. Doing this will help you to fill out your clothes and change your body faster.
The Endomorph. People with this body type tend to be shorter and thicker and put on fat very easily. If this is you, then you need to do the opposite and avoid high-glycemic carbohydrates and instead focus on complex carbohydrates and eat the vast majority of them before and after your workout.
The Mesomorph. These people tend to be of average height and thickness. If that's you, count yourself lucky because it will be much easier to build a great physique. Your main focus should be on protein and having 70% of your carbs (both simple and complex) around your workout.

3. Change Your Nutrition Based On Your Weight Training Program. This is one of the most common mistakes. Many people follow a meal plan that doesn't take into account the time of day they workout. There are some people who get most of their carbs in the morning and do their workout at night. This type of behavior is going to make muscle growth a slow and frustrating process. It's important to have meals prepared for right before and after you workout, no matter what time of day it is.

Hopefully these three tips will help you out. For now, you should start measuring your results. Take a pen and an index card to the gym so you can keep track of how much weight and how many reps you're able to do on each machine. It's not exact, but over time it will give you an idea of whether your plan is working. And if it's not, make adjustments. Good luck!

To learn more about proper bodybuilding nutrition, visit The Muscle Maximizer.

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tips on How to Build Muscle Fast: 5 Must-Have Tips to Quick Muscle Development

Physical transformation with the right set of exercises, balanced and healthy diet, mixed in with adequate rest, will definitely get you that dream body you wish for. However, doing modification and enhancement to you boy requires the proper cultivation of mind, commitment and drive. Though you have the tips on how to build muscle fast, without the proper mind set, physical transformation will only be a thing in the head.

1. Eat Healthy and Well-Balanced Foods

Nutrition must be achieved in its highest level for better assurance on muscle growth. Recoil from eating foods that are processed, oily and greasy. These foods don't give your body the nutrients needed for muscle development. You have to pick the right kinds of foods rich in proteins, carbohydrates, fats and vitamins. These nutrients are what you need to promote optimum muscle development. The nutrients that your muscles need should perform maintenance, repair and building of new muscle tissues. Protein is the key nutrient to make all these possible. For strength and energy supply, you can count on the right levels of carbohydrates and vitamins. Eating healthy and well-balanced foods also takes concern on eating at least 4-6 meals daily and drinking 3-4 liters of water per day.

2. Work with Free Weights First

Free weights like barbells and dumbbells allow ease of movement instead of restricting them. Using barbells and dumbbells allow your body and muscles to gain strength, endurance, power and increase muscle size.

3. Uses of Compound Exercises

One of the most important tips on how to build muscle fast is to pursue exercises that focus on two or more muscle groups. These are known as compound exercises. Samples of compound exercises are squats, pull-ups, push-ups and abdominal crunches. These target different muscles in the body, and all at the same time.

4. Rest and Sleep Well

Muscle building facilitates outcomes if your body and muscles are well-rested and relaxed. Enough sleep and relaxation promotes maintenance, repair and building of muscle tissues essential to smooth the progress of muscle growth. If your muscles and body are tired there will be no room for your muscles to work its ways to muscle development. Overtraining and over exercise won't progress effects on muscle development but instead introduce injuries and damage.

5. Record Your Progress

Monitor your progress. List your daily work out. Keep track of all your exercise activities. Having a record of your progress can help you modify factors that do not work well for you.

Absorb and practice these new ideas on how to build muscle fast. These 5 must-have tips on how to build muscle fast will surely guide you towards the right direction when it comes to muscle building. These will be your sure-fire trick to faster muscle development. In no time, you will see your body transform into this well-structured physique that will surely make everyone's jaw drop.

These are the easiest and the quickest ways on how to guarantee fast results as you seek to gain additional knowledge on how to build muscle fast. Questions will cease as you find the answers to satisfy every bit of inquiry, thus helping you realize these tips and commit to a new you. now! See awesome and realistic results on tips on how to build muscle fast.

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