How is Muscle Built?
Building muscle is basically an adaption process which happens in the body. During a weight training session, your micro fibers within the muscles are torn due to the excessive strain which is being placed on the muscle while you lift the weight. This is the reason why you experience soreness the day after a weight training session. During the resting phase, your muscle fibers are repaired, built and become stronger with the aid of protein. This is why it is essential that you include protein in the diet for maximum muscle mass gains. Without protein, the muscles will not be able to repair themself and instead of growing, they may actually become smaller due to the muscle breaking itself down to extract protein in order to heal itself properly. Protein usually comes from animal type products but is also found in many other types of food. The best sources of protein which I personally recommend are fish, meat, eggs and whey.
The Adaption Process
After weight training for some months, you may find it difficult to become sore the next day after a weight training session. This is because the body gets used to the constant strain which it is always being placed under and therefore the fibers become more stubborn and harder to tear. It is important to vary your weight lifting routine in order to shock the body and create maximum muscle fiber tear. This can be achieved by giving your workouts some variety. Super sets are a great way to shock the body into growth by giving the muscles maximum fiber tear. A super set is when you perform a set, and then perform another set on a different exercise immediately after, with no rest in between. For example you may perform 10 reps of front lateral raises, followed by 10 sets of side lateral raises immediately after. You can also vary super sets for an even more intense workout by performing 3 or even 4 lots of super sets. Drop sets are similar to a super set but instead of immediately performing another exercise, you stay with the same exercise and drop the weight or increase it. For example you may start on 100 kilograms, perform 10 reps, move down to 80 kilograms, perform 10 reps and so on.
Building muscle requires serious dedication and motivation. If you lack either of these I am afraid muscle building may not work for you. Make sure that your diet is in check and you lift heavy and I assure you that you will be gaining solid muscle in no time!
Building muscle is no easy task. The hard training and getting your diet in check, its forcing myself to eat that is my biggest problem.