Sunday, February 12, 2012

What is the Best Routine to Gain Weight and Muscle? Revealed!

To find the best routine to gain weight and muscle one needs to make sure that it has a few consistent elements. These elements are what makes or breaks a weight lifting routine. For a program to claim that it is the best routine to gain weight and muscle it NEEDS to have the following elements.

Effective Stimulation

Lifting weights alone is not good enough. You need to know how to lift to optimize muscle fiber stimulation and you need to know the superior exercises for each target muscle group. As a rule of thumb, the best routine to gain weight and muscle will attack the type one fast twitch fibers AND the type two slow twitch fibers.

Mind Integration

Believe it or not, the mind is what ends up building the muscle. It is the source that sends the muscle building signals and hormones to build the muscle quickly and effectively. So clearly, the best routine to gain weight and muscle MUST address the importance of the power of the mind and how to manipulate this power to aid in weight training.

Calendar Schedule

What good is a workout program if you can't handle the demands? A low intensity easy program will be much more effective than a "hardcore let's kill ourselves at the gym" type of program if you are not the most motivated person in the world. The best routine to gain weight and muscle for you must be one that fits with your schedule and one that you can easily continue to workout with months at a time.

So what is the best routine to gain weight and muscle? It's simply the one that works best for you and that has a proven track record with plenty of testimonials and credibility.

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